Crochet Corner-to-corner (C2C) Afghan

Yarn: 16-ply Cotton yarn

Hi! I want to share this video of me making my first C2C Afghan.

I had always been a little intimidated by the C2C even though it is highly recommended to beginners in crochet groups on FB. It just looks super complicated and I wouldn't really want to try unless I have to do an afghan.

And then, there was a request to make one. Talk about law of attraction. 😅
There are of course many methods to make an afghan but it would be a great opportunity to experiment on C2C.

I found to help with the design. My design was simple this time - I was careful not to make it too fanciful for a gentleman - but I guess I can go wild on my next one. It was pretty easy and the conversion from metric measurements to squares was so convenient!

I didn't intend to make a video of it but midway doing it, I like it so much, I just started recording...

Till next time, if you'd like to keep up with me on my projects, follow me on Instagram or FB. 😊